The red ep


What had happened was...

I was working in the produce department of a REALLY shitty store.  My band at the time, Shadow Moses, had just died.  I was feeling shitty.  Like, really shitty.  Like, I'm-gonna-starting-drinking-until-I-black-out-every-night-because-I-want-to-die levels of shitty.  I had no real money, no band, no hope, and I felt like my dreams were dying.  So, what do I do?  Force myself to write at least a 4 song EP and release it.  I was in a pretty bad place while recording the, and was frequently drunk during the process.  Honestly, it's amazing that I managed to get this album done at all.  I was working 40+ hours a week and I had no real way to record my guitar.  Combine that with the deep, hollow feeling that absorbed me at the time, and you have this EP.  It's a mess, but it's a necessary mess.  If I didn't release it, I wouldn't have reevaluated where I was musically and started working on my current projects.  In a way, this EP saved my life.  I know that sounds dumb, but it really did.